Whole Foods Magazine 12 Trends to Watch for 2021

Thank You To Whole Foods Magazine
for naming us as one of the 12 Trends to watch for 2021.
Not only is our Avocado Leaf Tea delicious, it is also a prime
example of upcycled food. 🍃 We take our leaves, that had
previously been trimmed and disgarded, and use them to 
make delicious and healthy tea.

Upcycled Food


Avocado trees have to be trimmed every year, so the Avocado Tea Co. takes the trimmings from the tree and turns the leaves into a tea. Not only does it taste great, it is sustainable and delivers health benefits from antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and terpenes. 




While talking with a friend about turmeric and green tea benefits, he mentioned your company. Being an entrepreneur is a tough business and I’m thrilled you are doing so well, being recognized by Whole Foods is certainly a game changer! Over the years, San Diego TSA always laugh at the avocados and citrus I’ve packed from my Godmother’s yard, I’m looking forward to trying your tea because it’s much lighter. ha ha . I wish you great success! Sending congratulations and well wishes from Kirkwood, MO! Rebecca

By Rebecca Farris

Jul 15, 2022

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