Kitchen Sink Sangria

This kitchen sink sangria is a fun twist on traditional sangrias. It's great for parties because it can be made ahead of time!

I love sangria – it’s one of my favorite summer drinks. But I don’t like making just one type! I have been experimenting with different variations and this is my current favorite. It’s called “Kitchen Sink Sangria” because it has tons of fruits and flavors going on, but you can leave out whatever you don’t like or add more of what you do.

The secret ingredient here is Natural Avocado Leaf Tea Blend from Avocado Leaf Co. It's a herbal blend of healthy avocado leaves that add a nice flavor to your drink. This combination of ingredients makes for a delicious sangria that's sure to please everyone!

This recipe makes about 6 cups. You can go smaller or larger depending on how much you are expecting to drink over the day (or night).

Why Use Natural Avocado Leaf Tea Blend in Kitchen Sink Sangria?

Avocado Leaf Tea Blend is the best tea for sangria. Avocado Leaf Tea Blend is one of the most versatile teas on the market. It has a smooth, robust flavor that is subtle and not over powering when combining with other flavors.

The avocado leaf tea blend by Avocado Leaf Co. is 100% all natural and will help you create an amazing drink with the benefit of nutrients. This is a drink that is perfect for parties, get-togethers, or just an evening with friends. The avocado leaves are known to have many health benefits including being anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. They are also known to be good for your digestive tract and gut health.

Avocado Leaf Tea Blend has a naturally sweetness that is great for making cocktails. This recipe uses avocado tea instead of lemon or orange juice because it adds an extra layer of flavor that you can't get from other juices. The avocado leaf tea blend gives this sangria a complex flavor that makes it taste like you spent hours making it when you only spent minutes!

Kitchen Sink Sangria Recipe

The Kitchen Sink Sangria is a fun, fruity, and refreshing twist on the classic sangria. It’s made with natural ingredients and is sure to be a hit at your next party!

The best part about this drink is that it’s made with natural ingredients. You can feel good knowing that you are not adding any chemicals or artificial flavors to your body with this recipe!

The avocado leaf tea blend adds a tropical twist to this sangria recipe and helps make it unique. It also provides a subtle hint of minty flavor for a wonderful aroma.

1/2 cup blackberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 orange cut in slices
Handful of mint
4 cups Natural Avocado Leaf Tea - Chilled
2 cups of white, red or sparkling wine 

Mix all ingredients together. Let chill overnight.

*  This light and refreshing recipe uses 2 cups of wine for a more authentic sangria but can easily be left out for a mocktail Sangria.

Perfect as a brunch drink or any picnic or party!


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